
Yolanda Sánchez
Co-funder RELATO

Celeste Kroeger C.
Co-funder RELATO

Yolanda Sánchez
Co-funder RELATO

Celeste Kroeger C.
Co-funder RELATO

Patricia Furtado
Coordinator Brasil

Gonzalo Bravo
Coordinator Argentina

Daniela Hill
Coordinator Ecuador

Paul Gómez
Coordinator Chile

Geiner Golfin
Coordinator Costa Rica

Pablo Malhue
Coordinator Chile

Marielos Rosales
Coordinator Guatemala

Gilary Morales
Coordinator Perú

Timna Varela
Coordinator Honduras

Alicia Martínez Pradere
Coordinator Uruguay

Ana Yranzo Duque
Coordinator Venezuela

Evelyn Paredes
Coordinator Perú

Fernando Castillo
Coordinator México

Fran Villalón
Design & Illustration

Mayra Figueroa
Social Media

Juan Pablo Laclau
Website development

Juliana Mancera
Coordinadora Colombia

Vinícius Albano
Coordinator Brasil

Yolanda is an oceanographer who loves and is enthusiastic about education and the ocean. She coordinates RELATO promoting the connection, participation and collaboration between experts and experts in marine education. From research, development of projects and activities, working with coastal communities and writing children’s books, Yolanda promotes marine conservation through ocean literacy

Celeste is a marine biologist inhabiting the central coast of Chile. Ocean-dependent, passionate about education, communication and conservation. She participates in various projects, either from her organisation called “Expedición Batiscafo” or in international initiatives, such as the FjordPhyto polar citizen science program.

Gonzalo is an explorer and scientist of the sea. He has a vocation for communication and marine education, promoting his knowledge and value, to which he dedicates much of his time since the foundation ProyectoSub. He is continually looking for new ways to take the sea to everyone.

Daniela is a biologist, educator and scuba instructor. She loves sharing the ocean and the magic of being in contact with water with people. She is Director of “Amiguitos del Océano” Foundation. This organisation seeks to reduce and prevent ocean pollution through marine education, generating local ocean culture and encouraging people to change practices and habits to help preserve ecosystems, biodiversity and human health.

Paul is a marine biologist and oceanographer. From his early days at the university, he liked to tell everything he learned about the ocean and its life. From his project, ChileMIO seeks to install the Paradigm that «Chile is more Sea than Earth», which applies perfectly to all Latin America.

Geiner is a Park Ranger at PN Isla del Coco. Marine Biologist. In charge of the Natural and Cultural Resources Management Program, administrator of the Seamount Management Marine Area. Coordinator of the Marine Areas Group of the Pacific Marine Corridor of the Tropical East. He has participated in research projects with sharks, marine mammals, coral reefs, island and marine introduced species. He coordinates the Ecological Blue Flag program, where he has developed marine environmental education for schoolchildren, school children, universities and the general public.

Pablo serves as a teacher and coordinator of the Department of Science and Technology at the Pacific South Maritime Commercial Institute. He is also responsible for the Yecos School Science Academy of INCO. His work stands out for guiding students in school scientific research and innovation projects.

Marielos Rosales has a degree in aquaculture. She works at the Blue World Foundation as coordinator of Environmental Education and Leadership. Through education, she seeks to promote the conservation and sustainable use of marine-coastal resources, especially their “Doctors of the Sea”: Sharks and Rays, and the ecosystems on which the Caribbean community of Guatemala depends.

Patricia is the founder of ACQUA MATER, an organisation that develops transdisciplinary projects related to our reconnection with the ocean through all water care. As a Lecturer, Mentor and Researcher, she acts at the international level, promoting ocean culture, especially collaborating with the ONU and UNESCO actions.

Gilary is a fisheries engineer Co-Founder of the NGO ConCiencia Marina and an active partner of the NGO REDES – Sostenibilidad Pesquera. She works on socio-environmental projects with artisanal fishers to manage fishing waste, involving them and empowering them to prevent pollution. She also carries out awareness-raising and educational information activities to encourage young people and children’s participation in our oceans’ care.

Mayra is a marine biologist and educator. She does not conceive of life without the ocean. She works at the Academy of Marine Explorers and the Batiscafo Expedition Foundation in socialising scientific knowledge and marine conservation through meaningful learning based on context and emotion.

Juan Pablo is a biologist, diving instructor and sustainability promoter. He works at ProyectoSub and Proposito Azul, his diving school. Creator of the first 360 submarine videos in Patagonia, Argentina. He contributes to RELATO in the design and programming of the website.

Fernando is a lover of the divulgation and creation of content about the ocean, love that he shares in AO Latin America. He shows his passion for our ocean with his continued support to the Katsuo Museum and Mares Foundation, where he boosts others to take action in the ocean’s care.

Francisca Villalón is a graphic designer at Universidad Diego Portales. She began working as a designer and illustrator for six years at the Ministry of the Environment. In 2011 she participated in a Fondart, together with two anthropologists, where she interviewed the inhabitants of Navarino Island and then illustrated and designed a book called Mar de Historias. In 2017 she published a book, “Chile en dibujos”, rescuing each region’s natural and cultural heritage. Since 2018 she has worked at the NGO Oceana, where she has explored marine conservation and design and illustrates this theme. Now it is part of RELATO to continue deepening in the oceans and its dissemination.

Coordinator of the Roatan Marine Park Community Outreach and Education Program.
Professor, originally from Tegucigalpa, since 2012, she has worked in the Bay Islands, working in various positions of management, educational administration, curriculum development, teaching, accreditation and evaluation. Her life on the islands has inspired her to promote education for the conservation of coastal marine resources.

Alicia is a vocational teacher and leader roots&shoots of the Jane Goodall Institute. In 2014 she created “Tras las huellas del venado”, EA project towards sustainable development that integrates children, youth and families.
Under the motto “To know to love… to love to protect and conserve”, she works in association with local and international organisations promoting actions that contribute to the protection of climate and biodiversity.

Master in Biological Sciences, she works as a researcher at the Institute of Zoology and Tropical Ecology of the Central University of Venezuela. Experience in Research projects focused on evaluating and monitoring coral reefs and coordinator of the Orbicella Morrocoy Project (EDGE-ZSL). As part of her work, she seeks to promote knowledge about reefs and the importance of protecting the country’s marine-coastal ecosystems.

Evelyn is a marine biologist, passionate about sea turtles and has a profound vocation for conservation. She is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Ghent (Belgium) on ocean culture and the implications for the blue economy. In her research, she uses a multidisciplinary approach combining social techniques and marine sciences.

Juliana es ecóloga y actualmente trabaja en la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión Colombiana del Océano, como asesora en educación marítima y secretaria técnica del Comité Técnico Nacional de Educación del Océano. Desde su labor y su pasión busca plantear y promover estrategias para fortalecer la educación en temas del océano, de la mano de las instituciones que conforman el Comité.

Vinícius is a biologist and lives his life in a close relationship with nature, seeking through education to spread respect for all forms of life. He is a Professor of Zoology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and conducts research on the conservation and reproduction of aquatic and terrestrial organisms. He coordinates the Iurukuá Project, with environmental education and sea turtle conservation, as a model for ocean education. He believes in a more harmonious world and, for this, we must go hand in hand with nature.
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